For Posterity

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Stuff on Cats

Well this may be just a fad, but photographs of sleeping cats with random objects placed on them is really taking off. I first saw it on Attack of the Show, well actually that's the only place I've seen it.

I thought I would contribute because I have all of the required tools: Cats, camera, and stuff. But there are at least two sites/blogs I can submit my photos to, and I'm not sure which to choose.

Here are my fine submissions:

Jerry Rice, a troll doll, an alien from Monsters Inc., and Donald Duck, all on Ringo

"Hey Kool-Aid" on Sprout

Well now I see I have truly reached a new low, forgive me.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Punctuation Pet Peeve

People, I am no expert on grammar, but please double check your definitions of "It's" and "Its."
Here are some examples of correct usage:

It's the end of the world as we know it. (It's = It is)
Every rose has its thorn. (Its = Possessive form of it)

Thank you.

UGA is selling a t-shirt with this grammar error, which is very funny but doesn't surprise me:

Picture of "Every dawg has it's day" t-shirt

Also visit this web site dedicated to "preserving the correct use of this currently much abused punctuation mark."

Apostrophe Protection Society